Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Universe

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Read Bible verses about God creating the universe and heaven.[edit | edit source]

This memory game is an enjoyable way to explore 15 Bible verses about God creating the universe and the wonders of Heaven.

Memory Game PDF

Discuss what Heaven will be like and draw a picture depicting your view of Heaven.[edit | edit source]

I think Heaven will be beautiful with a lot of tree, flowers and mountains. And a blue sky

Find Bible verses about the universe, stars, moon, planets, and/or sun.[edit | edit source]

Psalm 8

1 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. 2 You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. 3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— 4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? 5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. 6 You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority— 7 the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, 8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. 9 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!

Genesis 1:8

God called the space “sky.” And evening passed and morning came, marking the second day.

Genesis 1:2

The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

This memory game is an enjoyable way to explore 15 Bible verses about God creating the universe and the wonders of Heaven. This is the same memory game from part one.

Memory Game PDF

Make a craft of our solar system and name the 8 planets.[edit | edit source]

What is the universe?[edit | edit source]

The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. It includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. Before the birth of the Universe, time, space and matter did not exist.

The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars. The space between the stars and galaxies is largely empty. However, even places far from stars and planets contain scattered particles of dust or a few hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter. Space is also filled with radiation (e.g. light and heat), magnetic fields and high energy particles (e.g. cosmic rays).

The Universe is incredibly huge. It would take a modern jet fighter more than a million years to reach the nearest star to the Sun. Travelling at the speed of light (300,000 km per second), it would take 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy alone.

No one knows the exact size of the Universe, because we cannot see the edge – if there is one. All we do know is that the visible Universe is at least 93 billion light years across. (A light year is the distance light travels in one year – about 9 trillion km.)

What is the Milky Way?[edit | edit source]

Our Sun (a star) and all the planets around it are part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy. A galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy. All the stars we see in the night sky are in our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area.

It is very difficult to count the number of stars in the Milky Way from our position inside the galaxy. Our best estimates tell us that the Milky Way is made up of approximately 100 billion stars. These stars form a large disk whose diameter is about 100,000 light years. Our Solar System is about 25,000 light years away from the center of our galaxy – we live in the suburbs of our galaxy. Just as the Earth goes around the Sun, the Sun goes around the center of the Milky Way. It takes 250 million years for our Sun and the solar system to go all the way around the center of the Milky Way.

We can only take pictures of the Milky Way from inside the galaxy, which means we don't have an image of the Milky Way as a whole. Why do we think it is a barred spiral galaxy, then? There are several clues.

The first clue to the shape of the Milky Way comes from the bright band of stars that stretches across the sky (and, as mentioned above, is how the Milky Way got its name). This band of stars can be seen with the naked eye in places with dark night skies. That band comes from seeing the disk of stars that forms the Milky Way from inside the disk, and tells us that our galaxy is basically flat.

Games to consider:

  • Poison ball (run from the asteroid flying through space)
  • Bowling (roll/bowl a ball at large bottles to knock them over, the ball is an astroid or comet and the bottles are planets)

Play a space game.[edit | edit source]

Weightlessness Race


4 Bowls 40 Cotton Balls 2 Spoons 2 Blindfolds Separate the cotton balls by placing 20 in one bowl and 20 in the other bowl. Divide the players into two teams and place one empty bowl and one bowl with the 20 cotton balls in front of the first player on each team. Blindfold the two players and give them each a spoon. Set a timer to 30-seconds and when the timer starts, they will compete to see who can get the most cotton balls into the empty bowl. It’s not as easy as it sounds though because they will only be allowed to use the one spoon they were given. They cannot use their hands for assistance. This will be tricky since the cotton balls are lightweight and they won’t be able to feel them on the spoon. When the time is up, they can remove their blindfolds and count the cotton balls they transferred into the empty bowl. The player who gets the most balls in the bowl wins that round. Play continues until all the players have completed the task.

Going to the Moon


None The children should sit in a circle on the floor and one person should be chosen to start. The first person should start by saying, “I’m going to the moon and I’m going to take________.” The next person must then say, “I’m going to the moon and I’m going to take____________ (that should be the word the previous person said) and___________ (this should be the word that person chooses). The game continues around the circle with each person repeating the previous words and adding a new one at the end. When a person forgets a word or says them out of order they are out. The last person left is the winner.